Archive for October, 2006

The First One

Well I thought I would take this chance and talk about our first big money mistake my DH and I made as a couple. We were fine when we got married ~ a month later he got a bonus from work that allowed him to pay off his credit card, pay for moving me with [...]

Tuesday, October 31st, 2006

A Loss In Income

Though we are coming to the point where we should be getting pay raises (by we I mean my DH’s job), we are actually at a point where we may take a paycut. See the military pays different based on what job you are doing at that time. My DH is currently a teacher, for [...]

Tuesday, October 31st, 2006

Engagement Ring Talk

MightyBargainHunter writes about Prosper loans for engagement rings. I have read a few of the personal finance blogs that mentioned Prosper so I went to check it out. It is read as “the online marketplace for people to people lending.” But that’s neither here nor there – I wanted to talk about going into debt [...]

Saturday, October 21st, 2006

Spending for holidays

Birthdays, special occassions, etc. I usually do really well spending for birthdays – all it costs is a phone call and the kids and I sing to whoever’s day it is. And we have Vonage so it’s free long distance. I am going to start sending cards (I am very crafty and have a stash [...]

Friday, October 20th, 2006

We are doing it right!

DH and I have learned a lot in the short amount of time we have been together. And over at Blueprint for Financial Prosperity is posted “Money’s 25 Rules to grow rich by” ~ check it out. It’s a great list. We have made some mistakes but we are mostly doing everything right – okay, [...]

Friday, October 20th, 2006

Meal Planning Take One

Meal planning is going well so far. I like cooking but sometimes I feel like it takes a long time. I usually will have a tv show on so I can catch up (I dvr whatever shows I watch, I don’t watch commercials anymore LOL) and the kids wanting to help out. I know there [...]

Wednesday, October 18th, 2006

A Flood of Spending

It’s amazing how once we get in this situation – credit card paid off, a little extra money, extra credit card payments going in – a flood of “needing” to spend comes along. We ordered books yesterday for DH’s class and I ordered $21 of business supplies (only one order so far but November will [...]

Tuesday, October 17th, 2006

Paycheck (mostly) spent

We got paid a mere four days ago and the paycheck is spent. Blah. We realized that we have it good really – we make good money, we have a house, two cars, lots of food in the house. So why can’t we get away from what little debt we have! We are going to [...]

Monday, October 16th, 2006

Carnival Posts

Visit this week’s Carnival of Personal Finance. Great advice about learning to stay within your mortgage limits. We are dollars short of being at the 35% outer limit he mentions. Really, it was a bad idea to buy this house and we know it. And unfortuntely for us, houses of the same size (same layout) [...]

Monday, October 16th, 2006

Keeping track

So today we spent $368 on groceries, $15 on bite to eat (lunch), and $20 on books. Tomorrow we shouldn’t spend anything, Tuesday is gymnastics – we will owe the yearly fee plus October prorated. I am rescheduling the cats neutering until next payday since we spent twice what we planned on for groceries. We [...]

Sunday, October 15th, 2006