Student loans coming due

I’m coming up on the end of my forbearance for the student loan consolidation I entered into a few years ago. I keep track of everything with Google calendar, and thank goodness I do otherwise I would have forgot about the date. Of course the company I went with for the consolidation did notify me as well, but not as early as I reminded myself. I will probably continue the forebearance for a few more months. I know we need to pay on it so we can take advantage of the tax breaks we can get, but paying off the credit cards is also important.

I need to get back to school. I am starting to have that itch again, that itch that college used to give me. The itch to study something, to participate in classroom debate. I don’t want to go back just yet simply because of the cost. My husband has been able to use his military education benefits to attend school but I would have to get more student loans. I’ve always wondered if state student loans come with different rules? If we get back to WA by next spring I may look into Washington student loans. Other then not wanting to go into debt for school, a student loan is sometimes the only way. Of course, I would consolidate my loans as soon as I could.

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