Preparing for a Military Move

The first thing I did when I realize we were moving was shove it from my mind. Of course that doesn’t get anything done so a couple of days later I started making a list, several really. I have lists of what we need to do around the house, what errands we need to do around town, questions to ask of the new job, questions to ask of moving, and more.

I have been using BackpackIt for list making online – it is satisfying because I can make a check mark and the program moves that item into a ‘completed’ section. I created a website checklist and the items are something I need to do weekly so at the end of the week I go back in and remove the checkmarks, putting the items back in a ‘to do’ status. I love it!

So far my moving checklist has been on paper but today I am going to create a page within BackpackIt just for that – there are some online things that need to get done and I don’t want to forget about them. It would help if my local bases website was working.

I’ll be back with updates on PCS moves, especially oconus (over seas), since that is what it seems we will be doing this time around!

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