W2s Available for Active Duty Military

If you are active duty military, your W2 is now available on the MyPay website.

I want to encourage you to take advantage of your local VITA office or taxfreedom.com. VITA offers free tax preparation for military members and their families. We took advantage of this service the first few years we were married.

The tax freedom site offers free online tax preparation, though you do need to meet eligibility requirements. For active duty military, you qualify if your adjusted gross income was $52,000 or less.

ETA: If you have rental property (like we do) you can’t use the free tax site, you have to pay for turbo tax.

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One Response to “W2s Available for Active Duty Military”

  1. MakingOverMyMoney.com » Blog Archive » Still working on our taxes Says:

    [...] Ever since the military W-2’s became available, I’ve been working on our tax return. I’m doing it in shifts just because I’m annoyed that the website feels so slow. I did our income the first day and then just now finished up all the deductions. I still need a few more pieces of information before I can submit it which will hopefully be this week! [...]