Getting fit

I’ve read quite a few blogs saying getting into shape, losing weight, building muscle, is a resolution this year. I’ve said it myself – I need to lose weight and I want to get into better shape. I’m starting off slow – I’ve only been exercising on the thigh trainer since Jan 2. But that is better then not exercising!

We are probably going to join the Y. I looked into a few gyms in our area – our biggest concern being the cost, what they have to offer and availability of child care. The Y seems to offer it all. I haven’t been by to take a look yet but I am assuming they have personal trainers, the one where we used to live did.

I know very little about weight training but would love a personal trainer. She (yes I’d prefer a woman LOL) could get me a workout that would work for me. I found this article on “10 Ways to Meet your Weight Resolutions” that looks good, I’m happy to say I’ve already been doing five of those ten. :)
We’ve all read about how getting healthier saves you money when you go to the dr. I’ve not experienced this because of our military health insurance – but I know others who have said they go to the dr less because they go for good things like checkups vs going because you are constantly sick. So lower your dr bills – get a good workout in today!

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